Greetings and Blessings everyone!! I hope all is well..
Ok, so I get the question about my skin care regimen lots, lots, lots!! So, I decided to 'blog' about my skin care regimen. Keep in mind, this is what works for me, with my skin type being combination and acne prone..To answer the question, 'yes, I experience breakouts'. Especially a few months after I've given birth (hormones out of control) and if I haven't been eating right, especially mucous producing foods such as cheese, breads (especially if they contain wheat gluten), if I'm stressing over 'who knows what' or during that special time of the month..know what I'm sayin'. I totally believe that what we give our insides reflects what shows on our outsides, so healthy clean eating is a priority and plenty of water (we drink distilled water only..simple and pure H2O, no additives, no chemicals, just water). For more information on the differences between water, check out this awesome video here: Distilled Water vs. Filtered Water .
So, I have no problem sharing my regimen, but please keep in mind, each person's skin is different and the results may vary as well as the notion of what works for me may not work for you and vice versa. Ok, now that I've gotten the familiarities out of the way..I present my O'Natural Skin Care Regimen.
My Skin Care Regimen:
I Can't rave enough about this all natural soap bar from Henna Sooq . The Berhempsu bar is O'Mazing!! It cleanses well and doesn't leave my skin feeling stripped. I love the ingredients and it lasts a very very long time. I simply cut a small piece of the soap, therefore preventing the entire soap from being wet. I take the small piece of cut soap and lather. I apply the lather to my face in upward circular motions (helps stimulate circulation). Rinse (The great thing is that you can use this soap for cleansing the hair and body..You know I like a multipurpose product)



Ooo La La, talk about a treat for the skin. I do an exfoliating scrub on my face at least once per week. I combine simple natural ingredients such as Raw Honey, Organic Brown Sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. Combine all ingredients and ,after cleansing, apply to my dampened face and neck in an upward circular motion for about 1 minute. Rinse. Follow up with my Toner and Moisturizer. Talk about smooth baby bottom skin. It gives my face a healthy glow due to the exfoliant removing dead skin cells. Again, it's all about simplicity. Few products, healthy ingredients.
Make Up Free Face:
When rocking a fresh face, sometimes, I will only enhance my brows and add some clear lip gloss.
When rocking full makeup, I will add a bit of concealer to my under eye area to enhance the look of the eye, apply some powder, enhance my brows, add liner, play around with eyeshadow, add a dab of blush and mascara with a nude gloss lip.